24 August 2006

slang dictionary

It took me nearly two months to get to know just a couple of cool slang expressions (although I tried really hard to learn more!), so I wanna share them with you :o)
Double-fisting:When you have two alcoholic drinks in your hands at the same time (does happen quite often during our after work happy hours *g*).
to schmooze: To chat/talk with somebody informally. Funny detail: When I told my American workmate at a bar that I liked a guy there and she suggested to go to him and "schmooze" with him, I first thought that she recommended to KISS him...
to go on the "beer-run": Leaving a party and buying beer when there is no more beer left.
Chug it(or you are an ass....): Something like "Ex (the drink)oder nie mehr sex" :o)

2 Kommentare:

Lia hat gesagt…

hi mädl, wollt nur schnell fragen ob du meine emails eh bekommst? oder soll ich sie statt an die fh- lieber an die gmx-adresse schicken?
bussi, lia

laura hat gesagt…

bitte an die g-mail-adresse. irgendwie mag meine amerikanische dsl-verbindung meinen FH-account nicht *g*