03 Juli 2006

where grows the edelweiß?

my first day at work (still in the office, 'cause internet still doesn't work at home) and my first request: an american guy called to tell me that he is planning to do a "sound of music"-performance. therefore he desperately needs edelweiß, but doesn't know where to find one in the States. big problem, 'cause Lauri didn't know either -but thank Google and my workmate --> there is an edelweiß farm in Canada: http://www.edelweissgrowers.com/

5 Kommentare:

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hello laura.i am homayon.i like you.thank you raz7shahr@yahoo.com

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na, schon einen verehrer? *fg* verstehen kann ich es ja.... dickstes bussl, ronni

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Anonym hat gesagt…

ohren steif halten. du suchst edelweiß, wir haben volle windeln ...
lg, sasa + rossi.

Anonym hat gesagt…

cannot help... aber noch mal alles gute und vielen dank für die superabschiedsparty!