06 September 2006

big apple: MOMA

Welcome at the Museum of Modern Art - and you can take them by their word: Among their newest exhibition items in the design section are a SMART-car, an Apple-I-Pod and a Canon Ixus-camera. Of course they have "old" modern stuff too - like the shown Picasso-painting below. What's really cool is their outdoor garden - you can sit in the middle of high sky scrapers and enjoy the sun...

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

hello mrs. Rossacher...habs endlich mal geschafft deinen blog anzuschaun...very nice...hoff dir gehts gut in the states...(wobei ich mir sicher bin, dass es so ist...*g*)...wir sehen uns demnächst in minga...bis dahin...rock the states...(ahja...kannst du mir vielleicht die radiohead gitarre mitnehmen...und deine freunding...*g*)...lg andi...