06 September 2006

hard rock cafe washington D.C.

Today we had our after work cocktails at the Hardrock Cafe in D.C. nice place indeed: two guitar strings frame the big bar and there are lots and lots of famous signed guitars and saxophones hanging around, among them: the guitar of radiohead and the fugees as well as the saxophone of bill clinton (I don't know if monica lewinsky blew in that one too *g*). and the best of all: they even have a special D.C. marketing gag - drinks and t-shirts saying "ambassadors of rock" - of course we drink a couple of them ;o)and on the way to the toilet John Lennon greets you...

1 Kommentar:

Lia hat gesagt…

hey lauri,
super dass es dir in NY wieder so gut gefallen hat ... und das hard rock cafe schaut auch ziemlich beeindruckend aus!! hast dir eh ein t-shirt gekauft, oder? :-)
übrigens, falls du mal zeit hast kannst du vielleicht den link auf mein weblog aktualisieren? weißt eh, schreib ja schon länger nicht mehr in meinem alten myblog-ding. wär supi, danke!
lg, lia